Monday, December 6, 2010

Writing to come

These are just quick things I'm jotting down to possibly write about... sometime. :D

Faith, freewill and taking action
Tolerance of other paths
The magic within
Truth and perception - we all have our own truths
Light vs dark (pull in from previous writing)
The root of it (tarot spread)
Spirituality and Science do work together
Permission to Forgive Ourselves (living regret free) - My family was born and raised on guilt use to manipulate and used under the guise of "love". I was fortunate enough to see through to recognize it was not love and have a concept that this behavior was in fact the true opposite of love. Hate is usually seen as opposite love but I see it as the "absence of".
Outward look on life - is it something to get through or something to experience? Get that chip of your shoulder and use bad for good. We have choices and control in life, that is our outlook not the events and not other people and their outlook/actions.

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