Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How can I get the most Life Bang for my Life Buck?

Living Tarot EXERCISE: Ask this question on your own behalf, using any deck, any layout: "How can I get the most Life Bang for my Life Buck?" Interpret the question, and the cards, in your own way, and tell us what you got.

I broke this out into getting the most from life for my body, mind and spirit, each one being one card. I used my MerryDay tarot.

Body - 8 of Pentacles (keyword Master craftsman). I've been struggling with health issues for years and this tells me to seek out a specialist in his field. There are small green dragons surrounding him, could this mean someone who also takes a more green approach and does not jump to give a prescription!

Mind - Queen of Pentacles ( keywords; composed, cultured, kind) She wears a crown of antlers and animals beckoning for me to join her. She tells me to continue my study of Arianrhod and possible seek a seasoned teacher who is gentle and not present only for her own purposes.

Spirit - 4 of Swords (keyword meditation) Surprise, surprise! I've not had much alone time since welcoming a daughter into our family and the topic has been coming up with conversations, which is typical for me. The world usually repeats what it wants me to know and do until I catch it.

I'm noticing a a strong symmetry in the visual representation of these cards, court female in the centre, males on the outside looking in, roman numerals on the outside cards. Amazing stuff, as I believe taking care of body mind and spirit as leading to truly balanced life.

I usually don't find big surprises when reading my own cards and often pull cards just for confirmation or a "nod of approval". Sometimes I wonder if it's just me projecting what I already know in my heart into the image, but the 4 of Swords blatantly tells me without "reading" into the card and changing it's intent..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a pretty cool mini spread, maybe I should try it. I hope it leads you to good things!
