Saturday, August 8, 2009

8: Strength

Today I call on Strength.

The sun settles and begins its departure. Magic buzzes for those celebrating the coming eve.
She quietly steps through the cracking leaves,

Fingers caress the trees, wisps of energy stream from fae and tree as she passes,
Some young and full of green life, some old and stoic, both are treasures,
Energy flows from tree to fae and fae to tree,
Both are living in the moment, she whispers "Just be".

Gracefully the trees part along the path and she glides out in open space to meet a kindred spirit,
Of it's dangers and wild spirit have always been writ,
A majestic dragon, one with the earth and knowledge of ages past
In the presence of her love and understanding it basks.

She breathes deeply and centers on the fire within, a spark flutters to life, tendrils of red and orange heat begin their dance. Her heart surrounds the flame, accepting it for all that it is and all that it was. All that it can be requires her tender care and a constant awareness for balance, she cannot allow the flame to consume her. She calls upon her inner calm and tranquility to surround the flame, leaving it room to breathe.

In this clearing I've come to learn,
This quiet control of the flame of life is what I yearn,
I caress each tree as I wander quietly away,
And value, with time and desire, I will survive to see the day.

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