Sunday, November 29, 2009


I went on vacation and ended up with a pocket full of rocks, I come by it naturally, my mom taught me this well. This is a continuation of my past post of crystals I've added to my inventory and what they mean to me. This is by no means an exhaustive list of all of their properties.

Crystalline Kyantie (wand): meditation, truth, smooth lasting relationships, connections. Doesn't need cleaning!

Jade (turtle): encourages you to become who you really are, recognizing yourself as a spiritual being on a human journey.

Turquoise (bracelet w serpentine and yellow turquoise): dissolves self sabotage, releases old vows, allows soul expression. Healing body and spirit. Sacred to Native American, bridges earth and heaven

Serpentine (bracelet w blue and yellow turquoise): detox, aids meditation, correct mental and emotional imbalance, focuses healing energy to problem areas, good for ritual, trance work, said to be particularly good for celts

Blue Lace Agate (tumbled): facilitates expression of spiritual and personal truth, counteracts fear of rejection, neutralize anger, thyroid

Sodalite (tumbled and bracelet): unite logic and intuition, intellect, emotional balance. Clears electromagnetic pollution, metabolism

Chrysocolla (tumbled): draws out negative energy, meditation and communication. accept change, remain impartial and speak your truth. Thyroid. Confidence. Personal power.

Jasper (tumbled): insomnia, heals disease and obsession, balancing overpowering parts of life, become more empathetic.

Peridot (ring): metabolism, thymus. Protect aura, powerful cleanser. Release adn neutralize toxins, purifies body and mind. visionary crystal good for healers.

Opal (ring): teaches what we put out we get back, Absorbent and reflective, picks up and amplifies thoughts and feelings. Heals earths energy, shamanic. Induces metaphysical and mystical visions.

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