Sunday, November 8, 2009

When is a stone not a stone?

I used a combination of the Encyclopedia of Crystals by Judy Hall and some caring members at the Aeclectic Tarot, Crystal forum to delve into the world of crystals. This first batch was bought offline at The experience was nerve wracking as I had to trust that the crystals meant for me would find their way through someone else's hand. I could not see the selection nor touch and admire each one to choose a "favorite". My nervousness dissapated when I opened the postal box and unwrapped each carefully packaged crystal. Then my heart sang as I opened the packing slip and was greeted with a personal "Thanks" hand written and a extra piece of paper sharing with me a prayer that was said to honor the crystal and the buyer.

All things have a frequency and energy it emits and absorbs, physics taught me this years ago, I don't know why I didn't see that crystals are a way to introduce an outside vibration to my own to interfere constructively, but one day it hit me and.. looking back into a closed mind is no longer an option. Crystal entries in my blog will not be an in depth catch all for everything each crystal has to offer, it will be a more personal basic approach because I usually remember what I write down. There are more general sources for information of each crystal online or in books and I recommend using those instead of my blog to choose crystals or learn about all they have to offer.

In the past I've learned to trust my cravings, I had no idea this could go further than food or survival. My first choice in the crystals I bought to my amazement is no different. They all work together and once the lust gave way to a healthy attachment, I found that what I chose in crystals was no different than listening to cravings and being provided for by getting what my body mind and spirit need.

Black Tourmaline:
Primary use will be to place it at my desk to protect electromagnetic disturbance.
Seconary possiblities: draws off negative energy, grounding. Also good for detoxing, back issues and chest congestion.

Snowflake Obsidian:
Primary use will be to keep me balanced throughout a work day, to dispell emotional responses and see that mistakes are much more than simple frustrations, but are something to build upon and accept instead of loosing my temper
Secondary: bodily healing, cramps, joint pain, warming extremities

Tree Agate:
Primary use will again be balancing and grounding at work. Instills a feeling of being safe in challenging situations, simulating a quiet day surrounded by nature through it's nurturing energy of nature. Helps to see the gift of a challenge, again, instead of flying emotionally off the handle.
Secondary: lymphatic system, anayltical abilities.

Primary: I see this as a preparation and intermission to transition from work to home and spirit. Ease away the stress of a day, a perfect "in-between" to peitersite.
Secondary: Keep my metabolism stable, which is a big deal in itself. I see this crystal as "maintenance" instead of a full on intervention. Helps me leave lingering co-irkers projections behind.

Primary: Support my endocrine system, strengthen my piuitary.. I'm thinking this stone would help my digestive system after eating since my issues stem from my lacking endocrine system. Also help quell exhaustion I feel after finally arriving home after a long day working and commuting.
Secondary: Support higher awareness in meditation, dispell illusion of individual separateness, removes conditioning imposed by others, strengthen inner guidance. This to me also stems from supporting my endocrine system because on a good day I know all this, on a bad day.. I'm more ruled by waves of emotion due to horrible hormones ruling over my heart and mind.

Aqua Aura Quartz:
Primary: Time with family after dinner spent, everyone settled in and now it's time for me. Help me on my spiritual journey and help me (start) work with spirit guides. Quells what negativity is still lingering (even after other crystals)......this is the crystal of intervention.
Secondary: thymus, healing, balance.

Primary: boost energy, heal and cleanse. For me as well as other crystals and objects.

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